Small Lifestyle Changes Can Make a Big Difference
While a diagnosis of sleep apneoa can be scary, it is a treatable condition. In fact, there are many steps you can take on your own to help, particularly for mild to moderate sleep apnea. Simple lifestyle modifications can go a long way in reducing sleep apneoa symptoms. However, they should not replace medical evaluation and treatment.

Try to get into a regular bedtime routine

Ensure that your bed is always comfortable

Lose weight if advised by your consultant

Getting some exercise will help your sleep

Try having a hot bath to help you sleep

Avoid eating heavy meals late in the evening

Avoid drinking alcohol before bedtime

Avoid taking naps in front of the TV in the evening

Avoid taking sedatives if possible
The Good News…

If you suffer from Sleep Apnoea, CPAP will revolutionise your life once you adjust to the initial change. Getting a good night’s sleep has a myriad of benefits, and if you suffer from sleep apnoea and you may have been depriving yourself of these for some time.
Treating OSA can also lead to weight loss as studies have shown that men with OSA have below-normal levels of the appetite-affecting hormone leptin, which tells your brain your body doesn’t need to eat, and above-normal levels of ghrelin, a hormone that sends signals to the brain that you’re hungry and need to eat. Researchers report that levels of the hormones were shown to regulate just eight weeks after those with OSA began using CPAP therapy nightly.
Regular use of CPAP therapy has a significant impact on mood, reported wellbeing and overall positivity. Studies indicated
- 20% improvement in severe depression
- 66% reduction in severe sleepiness
- 20% less days lost from work
Nightly CPAP usage will not only halt symptoms like daytime sleepiness, lethargy, and headaches, but users report a far higher sense of wellbeing.
Simply put, if you persevere with the initial change that CPAP requires, it will literally change your life for the better.
Funding your CPAP therapy
Medical Card Holders
Patients who hold a Medical Card can supply their Medical Card details to Beechfield Healthcare along with their prescription. We will then handle all the necessary paperwork and submit the relative forms to The Health Service Executive to ensure payment. Payment for replacement masks is handled similarly. All other costs are covered under the Medical Card Scheme.
Drugs Payment Scheme:
Under the Drugs Payment Scheme (DPS) an individual or family will pay no more than €80 each calendar month. This scheme covers lease/rental of CPAP machines (only) and consumables (masks, headgear etc).
If you don’t have a medical card and you pay more than €80 a month for any of these, you should apply. Anyone who is ‘ordinarily resident’ in the Republic of Ireland can apply. ‘Ordinarily resident’ means that you are living here and intend to live here for at least one year. There is no means test for a DPS card.
You can apply online on the HSE website.
Alternatively, download the Drugs Payment Scheme application form and post it to: Client Registration Unit, PO Box 12966, Dublin 11, D11 XFF3
Private Healthcare Insurance
If you have private healthcare, some companies make an annual contribution toward CPAP equipment, but it depends on the company and the specific policy. Usually, these contributions can be found under medical devices or approved medical devices section. These payments are also subject to confirmation from your Medical Consultant. It may be possible to negotiate some form of contribution with some of the smaller Health Insurers.
Tax relief is available for all equipment costs. This can be done online through revenues my account page and navigating to Tax Credits and Reliefs > Health > Health Expenses
Helpful links
What our customers say
Beechfield Sleep is an excellent company. They're reasonably priced and have a great range of products.
My patient manager Rosin is very well informed and provides a great back up service. She is always there at the end of the phone or to call out. I feel very safe with Beechfield Sleep.
I am delighted with the CPAP machine from Beechfield Sleep. I have been using it for over a month and even after the first night of using it, I couldn't believe how well I slept. It's fantastic to wake up feeling well-rested & refreshed. Thanks for the demonstration and information, you explained everything perfectly and I felt very confident using it on the first night and thereafter. It's also great to have you at the other end of the phone if I've any questions or concerns.
Thank you so much for all your help. After years of feeling exhausted, it's great to wake up feeling like I've actually slept. I would like to pay special thanks to all the staff who really explained everything in detail and who have been at the end of the phone for my constant questions! They have shown unbelievable patience, especially in getting the right mask! Thanks again, this has been life-changing